Web-based learning for Creative and Talented Students
Webcats Educational Services ABN: 29 810 591 261
Current Programs
All programs are original and address standards from the new Australian Curriculum.
At the completion of each module or 'challenge' students will receive a assessment of their performance against the assessment criteria.
In just ten weeks students become published authors. Full-day writing and art workshops kick start this creative journey. We tap into the innate story-telling power of children to develop skills in writing, illustration, book layout and the basics of digital publication.
This unit covers Stage 3 and 4 outcomes in English and Creative Arts. A book launch will be held to celebrate our new authors.
When Pilot, Antoine de Saint-Exupery crashes his plane in the Sahara desert, he meets the Little Prince who has travelled to Earth from asteroid B-612. Join in the fun discovering the fascinating truths behind this timeless story, design the perfect paper plane, take a walk in an asteroid belt, find out what the B-612 project is all about, and exactly why is the Little Prince so preoccupied with sheep?